The Voyager Programme provides support for you as you run your business.
For a fixed monthly fee starting at £99 we offer a support package to give you peace of mind when you’ve launched your business.
This programme is ideal if you have already launched but find you are spending a disproportionate amount of time on administration and bookkeeping rather than piloting your business and focusing on what you are GOOD at.
You might benefit from some hands on help or after some initial work with us you’d like to continue regular contact. Having a seasoned expert you can contact on a regular basis can be extremely helpful for moral support over decision making or when you hit unexpected hurdles.
You will get, as standard, the following but this will be tailored to suit you and your business needs:
Video calls to discuss developments and business strategy; and email contact to show support and guidance.
We can also support you with your finances and external reporting requirements including:
day to day bookkeeping; VAT returns; year end financial statements; tax returns; and financial forecasting.
Contact us if you have already started your mission and we will prepare a bespoke solution to support a successful lift off.